Finding America’s Greatest Champion

Finding America’s Greatest Champion is a book I challenge you to buy and to read. Why?

Not because I am trying to sell books. The future of manufacturing in the United States depends on us to bring change:
  • Change in how we view the art of manufacturing 
  • Change in how we view the return on the prototypical college education.
  • Change in how to contend with student loan debt
  • Change in our country’s place in making the world’s products.
  • Change in how we view workers who consider themselves craftsmen – “makers”
  • Change in how we view American made products
  • Change in how we mentor our next generation youth

In this book, I have interviewed people from all walks of life. These are not the people you would expect to fly the manufacturing flag. These are Americans like you and I, some in manufacturing, but many are not. Still, they believe in the call to Change How American Manufacturing’s Perceived In Our Nation.

Corporate Giants:Greg Wasson (CEO, Walgreen Co. and Walgreens Boots Alliance, 2009-2015. Cofounder and President, Wasson Enterprise)
Athletes:Tony Schumacher (8X NHRA Top Fuel Champion) & Hayden Hurst (First Round Baltimore Ravens Draft Pick -Tight End)
NFL Broadcasters:Wayne Larrivee (Play by Play Green Bay Packers) & Frank Frangie (Play by Play Jacksonville Jaguars)
Young Entrepreneurs:Craig Rabin (Inventor Air Hook) & Dana Ward (Inventor of PreHeels)
Fluid Power Hydraulics CEO's:Jim Brizzolara (CEO of HydraForce) & Al Carlson (Former CEO Sun Hydraulics)
Education Leadership:Dr. Bryan Albrecht (President Gateway Technical College) & Dr. Laz Lopez (D214 Supt), Mark Hibner (PTLW Palatine HS) & Marilyn Barger (Director FLATE)
Politicians:Brad Schneider (Illinois Congressman) & Lake Ray (Former Florida State Representative)
Woman in Mfg:Allison Grealis (President WomaninMfg) & Jennifer McNelly (Former President The Manufacturing Institute)
Radio/Podcast:Jim Carr (MakingChips) & Lew Weiss (MfgTalkRadio)
TV Personalities:Don Dupree (Producer A Piece of the Game) & Titan Gilroy (CEO of TITANS of CNC and an elite Aerospace manufacturing facility and the creator of the television series ‘TITANS of CNC’ and TITANS of CNC: Academy)
Film & YouTube Personalities:Jeremy Bout (Producer Edge Factor) & John Saunders (NYC CNC)
Manufacturing Owners:Bob Weisheit (President Robert C. Weisheit Co.), John Winzeler (President Winzeler Gear) & Warren Young (CEO of Acme Industries)
Iverson Legacy Family:Ed Iverson (CEO of Chucking Machine), Jerry Iverson (Chairman Iverson & Company) & John Iverson (President Custom Products)
Community Building Giant:Buz Hoffman (President of Lakewood Homes)
Authors and HR Expert:Nicole Martin (Author The Talent Emergency / CEO HR Boost) & Vince Bertram (President of PLTW & Author Dream Differently)
17 year old Patent Pending Holder:Anisha Rao (Stevenson HS Graduate, U of I student and Patent Pending Holder)
Reshoring Founder:Harry Moser (Founder The Reshoring Initiative)
Internship Experts:Rand Haas (Business and Career Services -MCIP Program Manager) & Gary Skoog (Past Golden Corridor President)
And MORE:Carrie J. Kurczynski (General Electric), Rev. James Preston (Kingswood United Methodist Church), Helmut Albrecht (Former Science First Executive), Mike Reader (President of Precision Plus), Greg Knox (President Knox Machinery), Mark McCombs (Founder Renaissance Jax), Cardinal Manufacturing, and GPS Education Partners.

This book is about manufacturing opportunities, while also discussing how we parent, mentor and educate the next generation that will ultimately lead all of us and our country to greatness.This is more than a boring book merely about making things. This book highlights recognizable personalities and asks their input on vital topics in our culture.

We have entered a time in our country’s history where returning to manufacturing excellence has never been more important. In order to do this, to bring our manufacturing back from overseas, we need more skilled labor. The time is now. I encourage you to challenge what you know about manufacturing in this country and what opportunities young people might have in these careers. Please help me in Finding America’s Greatest Champion & become a CHAMPION Now!®

Champion Now - Terry Iverson - IMTS 2018 Book Launch
Champion Now - Terry Iverson - IMTS 2018 Book Launch

Praise for Finding America’s Greatest Champion

“Manufacturing employment is 2.5 million higher than would have been projected in 2006. 170,000 manufacturing jobs came back from offshore in 2017. We need millions of Champions to continue this trend.”

Harry C. Moser | Founder and President | Reshoring Initiative®

“Captivating and relevant, Finding America’s Greatest Champion captures the essence of today’s current state of manufacturing and eloquently invites the reader to take part in this movement to change the culture and perceptions in our country that will allow the next generation to pursue good paying careers in it. Filled with stories that connect with the heart and activate the reader to take action, and almost a century of family experience in manufacturing, Terry is the visionary that makes this book compelling to share with the world.”

Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz | CEO, 11x Author, International Speaker, Sports Pilot | JJR Marketing

“My classmate and friend has put together the stories and wisdom of many leaders in the many industries of our continually evolving society. We are in this world to become what we are capable of being. Action is essential ! As Terry mentions and illustrates, is the need for practical application over theory. Thanks Terry for sharing a wonderful blueprint to help in our quest for success.”

David Zubero | Bolles Class ’77 | Olympic Bronze Medalist

“’Finding America’s Greatest Champion’ dives into following your passions and how manufacturing is and can be an integral part of so many different successful career paths. This book explores the issues the industry that America was built on faces today and ways to fix the epidemic manufacturing faces. Showcasing the various routes individuals can and have taken to ultimately land in a place where they are happy while successful professionally, helps drive the message home.”

Lindsay Weglarz   Associate Marketing Manager Allstate Insurance Company

“Take a journey in rediscovering what made and makes America great. The innovative, entrepreneurial and giving spirit of its people, especially those who have made a difference in the classroom and boardroom like it’s author – Terry Iverson. Terry’s passion for the next generation drives his purpose to ensure opportunities are available in the industry that propelled our nation through two world wars, guides the hands of surgeons and has provided avenues for wealth generation like no other. Finding America’s Greatest Champion is a call to action to ensure opportunity for future generations to change the world.”

Rodney Grover | Formerly of SME Education Foundation

“This book should help its readers realize that Manufacturing in the USA is not dead but alive and well.  It is meant to change the image of Manufacturing so that it will be viewed for what it is and can be for those that go into Manufacturing:  dynamic, exciting, high tech, full of opportunities to produce tangible results, and a pathway to make a very good living.  The book should also be a great aid to Manufacturers in helping them attract the talented and skilled workers they need to thrive.”

Warren Young | Acme Industries

“Finding America’s Greatest Champion is a wake up call to all! Whether you live in the United States or abroad, whether you are in the manufacturing sector or not, whether you know anything about manufacturing or nothing at all, it is vital in learning what the manufacturing industry is about. Even If you are “just a consumer,” you should be educated as to where the products you consume are made. Take the time to appreciate the talent that went into making what you purchase and use on a daily basis. America was built on hard work by people with their hands making things. The manufacturing, construction, plumbing, electrical and many trades are being bypassed for a 4 year degree that does nothing to prepare many for the real world. There are good jobs waiting out there for these people who can use both their minds and their hands to create, but many of them do not even know they exist. This book explores many of these issues and more and opens the reader’s eyes as to what is available in the US right now.”

Kathy Iverson | Iverson & Company

Press Articles & Interviews

Finding America’s Greatest Champion | Technical Education Post, May 2019
The Intersection of Art and Manufacturing | Playtime Radio Show, February 17th, 2019
Finding Champions and Changing Perceptions in Manufacturing | Empowering Pumps & Equipment, January 25, 2019
Medical Device Manufacturing: A Growth Industry Healing the World | Expansion Solutions Magazine, January 10, 2019
Taking Pride | FAB Shop Magazine, January 2019
A New Author Aims to Change the Younger Generation’s Perceptions About Manufacturing | FAB Shop Magazine Direct, January 2019
Letting Go of the Old Manufacturing to Make Room for the New | Industry Week, December 14, 2018
Finding New Manufacturing Champions One Career at a Time | US Tech, December 2018
Refocusing on Manufacturing’s Future, for Long-Term Gain | American Machinist, October 28, 2018
The Morning Show | Gateway Technical College Radio, October 25, 2018
Be a Champion for Manufacturing | Modern Machine Shop, October 19, 2018
Manufacturing summer camp boosts job skills for Frank H. Peterson students | Team Duval Newsroom, October 19, 2018
New Book Supports the Future of U.S. Manufacturing | Production Machining, October 18, 2018
Why We All Need to Champion Manufacturing | Thomas Net, October 9, 2018
Stepping Up to the Plate | Production Machining, October 2018
New Book Explores How U.S. is Primed for Manufacturing Resurgence | Advanced, September 14, 2018
How the U.S. is Primed for Manufacturing Resurgence with Dramatic Shift in Culture, Mentoring and Parenting | MCAD Cafe, September 12, 2018 
Industry veteran on a quest to find America’s greatest champion | CTE Magazine, September 4, 2018
Book Release: Finding America’s Greatest Champion | Manufacturing News, 
LIVE with author Terry Iverson (Podcast) | Manufacturing Talk Radio, 

Champion Now - Terry Iverson - IMTS 2018 Book Launch
Terry Iverson - CHAMPION Now - Finding Americas Greatest Champion - Keynote speaker